Did you know..?

Most of you already know that we wrap your toys for free, give out fairy kisses and birthday gifts, and offer loads of amazing classes, but there are some things even our most loyal friends are surprised to learn. For example, did you know that Whiz Kids is on FacebookInstagramPinterest, and Twitter? Follow us to see what is happening behind the scenes and be the first to find out the newest and hottest toy trends.

Another hidden treasure at Whiz Kids is the Birthday Wish List! Big birthday coming up? Did you know you can make your own gift registry here at Whiz Kids? Write down your favorite toys and send your friends and family over to pick out the toys you REALLY want! Say goodbye to trips to return toys you got two of or didn't want at all. We keep you wish list right here in the store so anyone who comes by can check it out! 

Everyone likes a sale, right? Did you know that every week we send out a coupon to those on our email list? Join today to find out about in store events and get the best deal every time you shop with

One last insider tip: Did you know that every Saturday we have a free craft project for your kids?
Stop by any Saturday and you will find a table full of arts supplies. All you need to bring is your imagination! Past projects include Mother's Day cards, Frozen cut and paste dolls, and foil art. Every week its something new!

Somebody asked me the other day, "Why come to Whiz Kids over Target or other toy stores?" These are just a few of the reasons to shop here. How would you answer that question? What's your favorite thing about shopping at Whiz Kids? What secrets did we miss?